$410.00 $875.00
9ZWXBRMD 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$190.00 $395.00
8VMRXEF9 The Essential Ottoman Length: 30" Width: 27" Height: 18" Brand = Sabai Design Style...
$840.00 $1,740.00
3JQ3G754 Length: 79" Width: 43" Height: 30" Brand = HomeRoots AC Style = Modern AC...
AVGXG8X2 Length: 21" Width: 21" Height: 17" Brand = Havenly Style = Storage Color =...
$256.00 $650.00
DZJ2CXGC Length: 31" Width: 31" Height: 17" Brand = Havenly Style = Oriental Color =...
$328.00 $875.00
74AJA4UA 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$328.00 $875.00
9U2RRTQX 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$328.00 $875.00
2VDGCPXJ 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$328.00 $875.00
5FJ2QJ6Z 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$328.00 $875.00
CEG22Q8J 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
Everett Stool3K2JYKAC Length: 15" Width: 15" Height: 16" Brand = BR Home AC Style =...
Chicago Dining Chair Slip Covered 4NJS5XTP Length: 25" Width: 24" Height: 31" Brand = BR...
Chicago Dining Chair Slip Covered 4T6X99N2 Length: 25" Width: 24" Height: 31" Brand = BR...
$444.00 $2,950.00
869PEHRF As Is - 2 hinges need hardware ( screws ) and 3rd handle needs...
$126.00 $450.00
Range Counter Stool Seat Height 24" Walnut Black Leather DAX2KJPL Length: 23" Width: 20" Height:...
$126.00 $450.00
Range Counter Stool Seat Height 24" Walnut Black Leather BEU7QCPS Length: 23" Width: 20" Height:...
$126.00 $450.00
Range Counter Stool Seat Height 24" Walnut Black Leather 7TWJADTF Length: 23" Width: 20" Height:...
$264.00 $875.00
2PS9JP24 31" high seat Bar Height Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver...
$264.00 $875.00
524XVFSD 31" high seat Bar Height Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver...
$264.00 $875.00
9S24B9YD 31" high seat Bar Height Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver...
$264.00 $875.00
C99WAZ9H 31" high seat Bar Height Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver...
9LTST55P Edith Cane Length: 22" Width: 18" Height: 40" Brand = Castlery AC Material =...
AERUJ9F5 Edith Cane Length: 22" Width: 18" Height: 40" Brand = Castlery AC Material =...
$744.00 $2,950.00
DK9KSQU8 Length: 73" Width: 20" Height: 36" Brand = Hooker AC Style = French Country...
$300.00 $875.00
3B7RC26D 24" high seat Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern AC...
$264.00 $875.00
9DD6CPRQ 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$264.00 $875.00
3PNMPA2P 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...
$264.00 $875.00
4Y92V7MY 24" high seat Counter Length: 24" Width: 20" Height: 33" Brand = Denver Modern...